NYS DEC Endorsed 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Online Training

Thank you for your interest in the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Endorsed 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Online Training


This training is an online version brought to you by the NYS Conservation District Employees’ Association (NYS CDEA).

Who should take this training?

The 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Training is a required course for certain contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and other qualified individuals that will be involved with the implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan on a construction site that has coverage under a NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit for Stormwater Discharges from construction activity.  The certification received by this course is viable for 3 years from the date that the training was completed. This course is required for new employees involved in such activity as well as individuals who have not taken the course within the past 3 years.

Under the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, certain contractors (Trained Contractor) and certain Qualified Inspectors are required to complete 4 hours of Department endorsed training in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control (E&SC) every 3 years.

Trained Contractor - Prior to the commencement of construction, an owner or operator shall have each contractor and subcontractor, that has been identified as being responsible for implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), identify at least one employee from their company (Trained Contractor) that has received 4 hours of endorsed E&SC training. The Trained Contractor must be on site on a daily basis when soil disturbance activities are being performed and will be responsible for implementation of the practices included in the SWPPP.

Qualified Inspector - An owner or operator of a regulated construction project, with some exceptions, shall have a Qualified Inspector conduct specific site inspections. Certain Qualified Inspectors who work on these sites (i.e., individuals working under direct supervision of, and at the same company as, a licensed Professional Engineer or Registered Landscape Architect of NYS) are required to complete 4 hours of E&SC training under the General Permit.

NYS CDEA Trainers:

This online course is presented by Soil and Water Conservation District staff from around NYS that have extensive experience with construction site erosion and sediment control and stormwater management and are certified instructors of the 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Online Training. The trainers that you will hear from in this course are:

Kelly Emerick (0040-T): BIO

Patrick Emerick (0030-T): BIO

Jessica Verrigni (0028-T): BIO


The cost for this training is $250.00. Payment can be made using a credit card online through Genius once you have created your account.

Recommended Browser:

We recommend using Chrome as your browser when taking this training.

How to Register:

We have implemented a new platform for this training. Click Here for registration instructions.

Questions/Contact Us:

Phone:  315-651-0653

Please send questions and comments to:  [email protected]

Holiday Hours Notice

Our office is closed on all Federal Holidays including, the day after Thanksgiving. Emails and phone calls will not be answered on these days.

The online training will still be available to purchase and take through your Genius account.

Course Format:

We recommend using Chrome as your web browser.

This training is presented to you by members of the NYS Conservation District Employees’ Association, Inc. (NYS CDEA). Each slide will have audio from the presenters and the slides will advance automatically once the audio has been completed (most slides have time at the end for you to review before advancing).

The training is broken down into sections, and at the end of each section there will be a brief quiz (5 questions each). You will have two attempts to answer each question correctly before you can move on, however you will not fail if you do not get the questions correct on the quiz.

NOTE: This course is also offered in-person at many local Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Follow the link below if you wish to see the upcoming in-person 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Online Training that are being offered around New York State:


The NYS DEC has updated their website. Please click on this LINK to be directed to their New Construction Stormwater Toolbox Page.

On this page you will find a list of Live SWCD Trainings, the Blue Book, and the Stormwater Design Manual.  You will need to scroll down this page to find what you are looking for.