4-Hour E&SC New Platform Registration
New York State Conservation District Employees' Association, Inc. (NYSCDEA)
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) Endorsed 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Training
As of 12/04/2024, we are using a new platform to provide the Online NYS DEC Endorsed 4-Hour Erosion & Sediment Control Training.
You will be creating an Account in Genius in order to register, pay, and begin this training. Your username will be your email and a password will be sent to you through Genius after you create your account.
For companies with multiple employees, a separate account for each employee must be created with their own Email.
Once your account has been created and you are able to login, you will be able to add the training to your cart and pay for it online through Square. After payment is made, you will have access to the training through your Dashboard.
Obtaining the Certificate:
When the training has been completed, the certificate will be available through the person's Dashboard.
Close the training browser and go back into your Genius Account Dashboard. If the training is still showing on the Active Courses tab, click on Sync Data in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This will move the course to your Completed Courses tab.
Click on the Completed Courses tab and then click on the three dots under ACTIONS to download your certificate.
We recommend using Chrome as your browser when taking this training.
Click on this Registration Link
Click on Create Account (please do not create 2 separate accounts for one person.)
You will be brought to the Training Registration Form where you will create an account in Genius.
Fill in your information. For Affiliation, please select "Other" unless you are an employee of a Soil & Water Conservation District in New York State.
Click the Register button. An email will be sent to you shortly with the login link and password. The Login will be your email.
Click Sign In - You will be brought to your Dashboard
Click Browse Course Catalog
Select the PUBLIC option of the training. If you work for a Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) in New York State, select the SWCD EMPLOYEES option.
Click on the View Offerings and select Enroll at the bottom right of your screen. This will put the training into your Cart. Click the "X" to close out of the course catalog.
Click on the cart in the upper right hand corner of your screen and select Checkout.
Under Payment Method select Pay via website
After payment is made select Go to Dashboard
The Training will be listed under Active Courses Tab on your Dashboard. Click on Go to Course
If you want the printout of the training, download the PDF files to your computer before starting the training. These will not be available after the training has been completed.
Click on the training title to begin and click Start attempt 1 (Please make sure any Popup Blockers are turned off) and select start training.
Anyone that has registered and paid for this training prior to us going Live on our new platform, will still have access to the old platform up until 12/31/2024. Anyone that has registered and not paid, will need to register through our new platform.
If you have any questions regarding this, please call 315-651-0653 Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.